Inklusionsdidaktische Lehrbausteine

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The focus of the teaching unit “Boa’s Bad Birthday” is to support students who have problems related to language acquisition such as dyslexia or defects in pronunciation. Research findings show that a multisensory teaching approach can significantly improve phonological awareness, decoding skills and reading comprehension of dyslexic students (Joshi et al, 2002). The main goal of this teaching unit is to help students understand vocabulary and grammar as well as to improve their reading skills through repetition of essentially the same content through varying teaching methods, such as reader’s theater, puzzle games and worksheets. Students with dyslexia often suffer from short-term verbal memory deficits, so a highly structured teaching style and repetition is intended to help these students retain their knowledge and skills and to provide them with a feeling of learning progress and success (Oakland et al, 1998). In the sense of inclusive and differentiated instruction this lesson is designed for the mainsteam EFL classroom.

Age group: 6th grade; 11-12 years old

Area of support: Language acquisition deficits: dyslexia and pronunciation

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